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Rev, Khoi Lam Thang

Pa Neng Za Kam (Buansing) leh Nu Ciin Niang te sung pan in 27.4.1962 ni in Maymyo, Pyin Oo Lwin ah suak hi. 11.9.1993 ni in Siama Siang Nem @Khin San May(Falam)tawh pum khat suak hi.- Tan ½ pan tan 7 … … SPS Cingpikot  …  19681976.-Tan 8 pan tan 9 … SHS 4 Bhamo  …  1976-1978.-Tan 10 … … SHS Tedim  … 1978-1979. – Bachelor: Secular BA (Philosophy)  Mandalay …1999,-Theology B. Th … Clark Theological College  1987, Master:-Secular MA (Linguistics)  Chiangmai …2001, Theology M Div … MIT (Insein) …1993.M.Th … TTC (Singapore) …  2004.

Pasian nasepna: -1984-1987 Keizang Circle Baptist Churches, TBA Assistant Pastor, -1987 Leipi Baptist Pastor Area, KVBA, Assistant Pastor, -1988Leipi Baptist Church, KVBAIncharge Pastor, -1993-1994 Zomi Theological College, Falam Lecturer, 1994-Leipi Baptist Church, KVBA Incharge Pastor,-1996Zomi Christian Literature Society executive Secretary, -2004 Bible Society of Myanmar, Translation Officer, -2010.Bible Society of Myanmar, General Secretary.Tapa tanute:1. Lydia Niang Sian Lun 10.10.1994 GTC kum 4 na,2. Elizabeth Ngun Kip Tial 07.07.1996 Distance kum 2 na, 3. Moses Kam Sian Tuang 25.09.1999 Tan 10 sin laitak

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