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Ning Khen Cing

Pa Dal Za Khup (Taithun) leh Nu Dim Khawmte sungpan 9.6.1965 in Falam gam, Tlaumun khua ah suak hi. Sanggam unau pasal 4 leh numei 5 lakah a neu pen zom hi. 1971 pan 1975 kum SMS Lawibual panin tan 4 zo hi. 1977 pan 1984 kum SHS, No(1), Hakha pan tan 8 zo hi. 1985-1987 kum SHS, Tedim pan tan 10 Matric zo hi. 1987-1994 kumBA(English),Qualify,ArtandScienceUniversitypanzohi.1994-1999 Mandalay University pan MA (English) zo hi.

Nasepna: Tutor, Meithila University English Department pan 3.8.98 – 22.7.2002 dong, Tutor, Yangon University of Distince Education ah 26.7.2002 pan 30.11.2016, Tutor, Phongyi Education Unversity ah
1.10.2006-30.10.2016, Assistant Lecturere, Yangon University of Distince Education 2006-2008, Assistant Lecturer, Beih Univeristy of English Department (2008-2010), Assistant Lecturer, Galkap Zato Sinna sangpi, Mingalardoon ah 2010-2011, Lecturer, West UniversityYangon 2011-2015, Lecturer, Sittwe University 2015-2016, Lecturer, Dagon University 2016- tuni dong.

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