Apa Ngul Za Go hi a,August 07,1975 niin suak hi.
Evangelical Christian biakna hi. Mangpau, Kawlpau, Zopau siam
hi. Tulaitak 4420 Lickridge Ct, #5, Indianapolis, IN 46237
om a, lianjeff@gmail.com Ph:317-556-7287 ki zom thei hi.
Pilna Sianna: B.Th.(Nazareth Bible College ,1998 )India, B.D (Theology) (Bharat Bible College, 2000 ) India, Diploma Conflict Management (Boston Institute of Theol, 2014), Massa- chusetts, D.Min (Religious Dialogue)(Andover Newton School, 2011-2014 ), Massachusetts, Th. M., Ph.D. (Contextual) AsburyTheolo-Seminary2014+(inprogress), Kentucky.
Na sepna:(1)Acts Bible College, Dean of students, 2001-2004-
Responsibilities: ensure all worship services are planned in ad-
vance as an in charge of chapel, overseer students’ discipline
& Food. Manage compound activities such as electricity, health, study hour times of the students and Game & sport.(2) Japan Embassy, Translator, 2002-2003-Responsibilities: Managed community facilitation and mobilization to coordinate between community and GGA (grassroots grants assistance) to implement such a big project in rural areas of Kayah: Manage also the Proposal of the (7) Primary Schools building combined with water supply &latrine for Schools.
Made assessment on Water accessand Sanitation of students: Translate dall document Myanmar into English: Arrange regular report to the donors. (3) Victory Bible Institute, Dean of students,2005-2008- Responsibilities: Manage expenditure for food, health, sports, school fees overseer of students’ discipline. Manage education, accommodation and furniture. (4) Action Contre la Faim-France,Liaison officer, March 2008-Au- gust 2011- Nargis cyclone emergency response from May 11, 2008 to June 15, 2008. Responsible to negotiate superior of MRC SinBogaleto collaborateFoodandnon-item distribution to its surround- ing villages. Participate in coordination meeting with authority and exchange information. Prepared document format of food and non food item distribution and report update information to Headquarter office in Yangon. Supervise food item distributors. Kayah State Loikaw.
Responsibilities are to: Trans- late local staff recruitment process with expatriates. Translate staff job descriptions, official documents. Organized Kayah all INGOs coordination meeting once in two months. Prepared T.A for expatriate’s trip and attend coordination meeting with SPDC to request monthly activities approval. As a trainer, organize Intermediate English classes (four skill) Speaking, Written, Listening and Reading for staff twice in a week. Objective is staff could communicate with expatriate in English. I am appointed as staff representative of Kayah. Participate in interview for staff recruitment. (5) August 2014 pan Emmanuel Christian Church Indianapolis ah pastor sem hi.
Ordination ngahna: October 26, 2014 ni-in American Baptist Churches USA in First Baptist Church Newton-Boston ah Ordination pia uh hi.