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Rev. Dr. Suan Za Khup

Pu Thawng Zam (Neihkhup) leh Pi Luan Za Cing te sung pan in 27.1.1976 in Tuimang khua Tonzang myone ah suak hi. 2009 kumin Sezang khua Pa Cin Khaw Mang(Naulak) leh Nu Ning Khawl Cing (Tomging)te’ tanu khat neih sun Nu Khup Lam Lun B.Th, M.Div tawh General Head Quarter UPCM Church Yangon ah Christian ngeina tawh pumkhat suahna bawl hi. Topa’n tapa nih pia a; Tg Zam Muan Sang leh Tg Mang Khan Khual hi. Barean Baptist Bible College panin B.Th; B.D; M.Div; Th.M degree ngah hi.

Doctorate zawhna: Asian Center for Theological Studies and Mission or Ashin University, Seoul, Korea. Doctor of Philosophy in Systematic Theology.

Dissertation: A Comparative Studies Between “ The Theravada Concept of Salvation” and “Justification by Faith According to Martin Luther”.

Tulaitak Pasian nasepna:-President: General Pentecostal Youth Department, UPCM,-Founder & President: Zion Bible Correspondence Course (Zolai tawh hi-in, kum thum course, B.Min leh M.Min).-Assistant Pastor: Tabernacle of Joy Assembly, 52nd Street, Middle Block, Pazundaung Tsp, Yangon.-Vice President (Central): Zomi Music Uplift Society (ZOMUS).-Moderator and Owner: UPC,-Album Released: Zion Series One@Pai in Sem in ©2013 (Own Tune).Minister License ngah kum: 1997, Ordination ngah kum:2011. Call Toll Free: Mobile -09421046935,

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